Time for a new photo?

Here is our last official photo.

We're wearing our old scarves. Shall we have another one in our new scarves?

Spring 2014


Stainer: Crucifixion
Roberton: All in the April Evening
Mozart: Laudate Dominum
Dubra: O Crux Ave

Swathing Brass Ensembles

The babe in the manger was meanly wrapped in swathing bands, but our Christmas programme had him wrapped in swathing Brass Ensembles.I couldn't understand why, then I remembered. I know that Yorkshire Post Brass hate being called a "Brass Band", so I hastily edited the programme before sending it to the printers. I used "Find and replace" on the computer and replaced all references to "Band" with "Brass Ensemble". The moral of this story is be sure you proof-read carefully! I do apologise for my mistake.

However, our Christmas Concert went really well and we were well and truly, not meanly wrapped in swathing Brass Ensembles. Thanks to all for giving us such a good start to the festive season!